Tuesday, February 23, 2021

AS9145 Supplier PPAP Cloud App Survey - < 2 Minutes to complete


Survey to determine if the global aerospace supply chain would be interested in a phased project to lower the costs and improve the results of the AS9145 Supplier PPAP process.

Assumption: Customers (OEMs and Primes/Tier1s)  are reluctant to invest $MM into COTS or internal development, including the internal integration costs (ERP, PLM, EQMS, etc.)

Assumption: Suppliers (T2 and lower) are frustrated by having to login to multiple portals to upload files and determine approval status

Friday, February 5, 2021

Cyient is investing in an AS9145 Supplier Production Part Approval (#PPAP) Platform


Cyient is investing in an AS9145 Supplier Production Part Approval (#PPAP) Platform as part of our #aerospace digitization offerings. The platform will help streamline the AS9145 process by replacing cumbersome spreadsheets with a database. This will enable the global A&D supply chain to fast forward the deployment of #AS9145.

Monday, February 1, 2021

How to get approval to license Supplier PPAP Software (ROI)


Executive Summary


Replacing spreadsheets with Supplier PPAP Software, a relational database business system:

-        saves time for both your SQE and the supplier by reducing labor costs.

-        breakeven is saving 1 hour per week – for a single user at a single location!

-        reduces mistakes / errors and improves outcomes.

-        reduces security risks of unauthorized access.

-        improves risk management and lowers warranty and repair costs.


If you need help with the ROI for a Supplier PPAP software, I can help.


John M. Cachat

PeProSo, LLC




Related information

White Papers

·        We already do First Article Inspection (FAI) and have been for years.  Why do we need the PPAP?

·        Executives don’t know how the Supplier Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) is full of waste

·        Why a Database is Better than Spreadsheets for PPAP

·        Application of Lean Manufacturing to the Supplier PPAP Process

·        Now is the time for Continuous Improvement of Supplier PPAP Efforts

·        Are poor PPAPs better than no PPAPs?



Webinar Recordings

·        Supplier PPAP - The Software Demo Video

·        Supplier PPAP - What Software Does and Does Not Work & Why

·        Stop Managing the Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) with emails and spreadsheets

·        Product Recalls are difficult to prevent, detect, and correct when you are using spreadsheets!